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About Workcade

At Workcade the aim is to ensure you are armed with everything you need to survive and thrive in your employment adventure. All posts will be categorised in one or more of the below areas:

Start Game is all about the beginnings. Job seeking, employment contracts, understanding basic workplace entitlements. These posts will be for those new to the workforce, or wanting guidance during job seeking or  entering a new industry.

Level Up posts will bring you content to inspire you to develop your career, ask for that promotion, make the leap to try something new, seek out mentors, and give yourself the recognition that you are ready to be a mentor yourself.

Defend is where you will learn what to do if you are subject to the harder aspects of employment, such as performance management processes, misconduct allegations or workplace changes where your job may be at risk, such as restructures. Whether you have a case to answer ("Whoops, I stuffed up!"), or feel like you are being treated unfairly ("Someone is out to get me!"), these posts will support you to make smart decisions along the way. 


Fight posts are where we take it up a notch in advocating for yourself. Learn how to respond to bullying, fight discrimination and advocate for your rights as an employee. You will likely see posts categorised as both Defend and Fight a lot!

Heal is about your safety and wellbeing as an employee. Get that that lucrative work/life balance, take care of yourself through challenging times, return to work quickly when injured, and ensure your workplace is a safe environment for you and others.


Game Over is the end game, but remember, a new game is right around the corner. Here we will navigate how the employment relationship ends, whether it be through resignation or termination.

Tip: you can filter the posts by category using the images on the home page

Start game definition
Level up defnition
Defend definition
Fight definitio
Heal definition
Game over definition

Who runs Workcade?

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Workcade has been unleashed upon the world by me, Dani!


I've worked in HR roles in a variety of industries for 13 years. I grew up in a union household and now work on the employer side... but only for companies that I believe truly value their employees and want the best for them.

I think I take a good "middle ground" view of employment. A business's main goal is profit, or at least success. An employee's main goal is to remain employed, even better if they can have pay and benefits that are more than adequate, and work that is fulfilling. As an employee it is important to put yourself first, but it is also healthy to remember that the business can and will do the same. I encourage each of you to fight for your rights under the law at a minimum. Then if you can, you should find a way let your feet do the talking into a workplace that goes above and beyond.

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All information on this blog is based on Australian workplace laws and conventions and is to be considered general. Individual situations are highly variable and the author of these works takes no liability for the content being incorrectly applied, incomplete, or out of date. Where feasible, appropriate legislative and government bodies will be referenced as a source of truth. If you are seeking legal advice and support, you should reach out to a legal representative who specialises in employment law, your union, or one of the following relevant governing bodies for support:

Note: these are Federal bodies. Depending on your query, you may need to contact a relevant state body instead. The federal body should be able to advise you on this.

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